I'm excited for summer....beach, BBQ, chillen......if I don't work myself to death, hahaha
Lately just working on re-designing my website, been so busy that I let it go a bit...so hopefully by june :)
Thinking about more ink on me....random junky thoughts in my head that seem to always come together in the end....had a heartbreak and a revelation all in one, sometimes what we think we want and what we really want is different, huh????
Super excited for my brothers first EP single in JAPAN......xoxo
I read an article on "Forgiveness".....and it made me cry, for as much as I want to....I'm still not their when I think about certain memories.....the cuts inside are just too deep, the damage has been done..as adults we learn to cope, mask it, and somewhat move on.....but its not real....forgiveness is love and love is freedom.....gives me HOPE-
Peace-Love-Sparkleberry Bear...........xoxo